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Sex scenes?

(1 edit)

Hi GoGoBanana93,

No sex scenes in this game, my friend.

I couldn’t think of a way to segue into sex scenes without it feeling a little… rapie.

I have updated the game description to make this more clear.

Kind regards,



That is one of the kinds of games for me where I´d say if it´s a good game with a solid, fun way to play it, I´ll gladly take some eye candy with it, no questions asked. But it´s very dependent on the whole package.

I'm all about the "whole package".

I will make sure the combat feels good and the character progression is meaningful.
The nudity just sweetens the deal :)

The story should be fun too.

kinda reminds me of some of the hentai games that JSK studios has made

Sorry, I am not familiar with those games.
Can you share a couple of titles so I can ensure my game is unique?

Is the Demon Lord's Life Endangered by the Elf Knightess?

Overthrow The Great Demoness! 

Mistaken for a Battle Girl's Object of Vengeance

Thank you.

I am glad that the names are short and easy tor remember :)


Seems interesting enough, depends mostly on the price though.

I have planned 13 campaign battles and a stack of Challenge battles that include Tag Team and Multiple Waves.
Given that there is no sexual content I don't see how I could price this any higher than $5 USD

I'll ship the demo and that will give you a better idea of what to expect.


I'm gonna pass.


Thanks, mate.  I appreciate the honest feedback.